Dear _____,
I was taken by a subhead in the Register this morning on the programs labeled "child development."
"Fifty-nine different boards provide oversight of state empowerment efforts. Since 1998, $336 million has been spent, but the number of children helped isn't known."
What on earth does this say about (a) the laws passed by the legislature and (b) the willingness or ability of legislators to pay attention to the results of what they do?
Hiring some people and printing up a new letterhead is not necessarily a good thing, even if everyone screams, "It 's for the children!" A legislator who make this point forcefully is a legislator history will remember kindly.
He could also note that the best child development program is a caring parent with a library card.
I forgot to remind him that any law or program using "empowerment" in the title is 100 per cent certain to be a scam .