Mar 20, 2010

All kinds of p0rn

I'm addicted to ship p0rn as well as gun smut, and Tam has them both at the top of her lineup this evening.

I can't see those carriers without remembering the thousands of Pacific miles I chased them on a little destroyer -- 10 degrees off their stern at 1,100 yards. Plane guard station, the idea being that we could fish out the unlucky pilot who missed his wires.

She also has my thanks for a mention that brought many new readers to this modest little blog. Welcome, y'all, and feel free to stick around. I've been known to do a little pandering myself.

More on Ice

Our correspondent from the edge of the permafrost, near St. Cloud, Minnesota, reports that the Mississippi in that latitude is now open water. Can a shore lunch of walleye be far behind?

That prompted the thought that our local lakes are at that stage of appearing solid while harboring many thin spots. Stupidly driven snowmobiles fall through them in a useful Darwinian adjustment of Northern Plains demographics.

Mar 19, 2010

The highly accurate M1 Carbine

My buddy Ken showed up for tacos with a story and a trophy. He has recently acquired another carbine, a plain-Jane, mostly Winchester, arsenal rebuild. Coincidentally he concocted 100 unremarkable hand loads with GI brass, 110 FMJs, and 2400 powder. The Winchester threw them all over the section. A little investigation revealed an Uncle Wiggly rear sight which could not be snugged down by peening.

Enter epoxy. No home is complete without it it.

With the sight chemically bonded to the receiver of the WW2 relic, he shot five rounds over a rest at 35 yards. He tucked the result in his wallet and, last evening, produced it as the beer was being served . The group was coverable by a quarter, and I don't care if it was only 35 yards. That's impressive.

Mar 18, 2010


The President of the United States of America said:

"I don't spend a lot of time worrying about the procedural rules of the House or the Senate."

I post it without much comment in the understanding that some will recognize the magnitude of the arrogant evil, others will shrug "Huh, so what?"