I wonder, Sir, if you are attending to today's economic thermometer?
Our domestic stocks are tubing because,
our experts report, the entire Ouzo production of Greece and all the of Portugal's best Madeira will not suffice to pay their kings' debts, and the folks who lent them money are getting more than a little (a) anxious to be repaid and (b)
fricked if they'll ever loan money to one of them again.
If fact, lenders are starting to wonder about sovereign debt in general. That's, you know, like fronting cash money to nations.
Anyway, that just reminded me I just wanted to ask you to keep up a very good front in front of Chinese persons you happen to run across. I'd get pretty nervous out here if they decide to Greece us.
'course, I wouldn't dream of cramping your style by asking you to help make sure we start buying only what it can pay for. I mean health care and war and nations to build and like that.
Your Nervous Pal,
P.S. -- It is okay by me if you want to blame three or four of the guys who had the job before you for some of it.