Aug 8, 2011

Does Rick Perry read Mark Twain?

The Recording Angel enforces a powerful distinction between prayer venues.

Rick, I think the Angel will look favorably on your remark that we need help because government has proven it can't solve the problems government creates.

Other than that, you'll probably score poorly with all that arena praying for things to get better. It conflicts with secret supplications of the heart for things to get worse -- that they will get bad enough to sweep you into 1600 Transyl Pennsylvania.

Aug 7, 2011

Holy Moly, Mary, what else do you know about macroeconomics?

The Washington Post hawks itself as a newspaper, and quite a serious one at that.  This is historically accurate, even allowing for its dependably statist analysis of every conceivable topic.

But now? The newspaper presents the debt-limit fight in Captain Marvel form -- a comic strip which the editors almost assuredly wish you to take seriously.

End times defined:  That period in our national history when the Post makes Rush Limbaugh look intellectual.

Armed peasants

It isn't time for this solution in the United States, but unleashing the peasants may not be the worst idea in the inventory.

Down Mexico way, an enclave of murderers and rapists was getting uppity in the environs of Santa Cruz Tepenixtlahuaca, The village doesn't have many local cops, and the federales weren't much help.  So village elders gave aggrieved citizens a green light for direct action.

The results were not optimum. Among other sadnesses, a kid was killed in the crossfire.

This does not necessarily argue against the villagers' strategy. It does suggest the need for a higher level of tactical training for  Citizens Juan and Diego, and perhaps a weaponry upgrade. (I've spent a little time on the Tehauntapec isthmus, and one of the enduring memories is of small farmers carrying their old single-barrel shotguns on slings made of sisal. Their hearts are right, but -- along with a good small-unit training program --  they need a bit more firepower.)

As I say, using armed good guys to rein in village thugs may not be right for U.S. villages yet. But I suppose if I were in the village of New Orleans I might be thinking about it. Or Washington, D.C.

Aug 5, 2011

Gun Porn, and they're for sale

Oh my. It's a spat between my sterling work ethic and my raw desire. Too much actual work staring me in the face to justify the trip, but sometimes a guy's just gotta trust his lust.  See. Palpate. Maybe even buy.

Meanwhile, enjoy the eye candy.

EDIT: The work ethic won.