Oct 19, 2012

Gun porn from the tin-bra set

Some Denver folks are wetting their stepins because Madonna used a gun in one of her acts. Her defense:

In a statement before beginning the tour, Madonna said she does not condone the use of guns. She said she is using the guns as symbols of intolerance and "the pain I have felt from having my heart broken." 

I was about to label that as pure celeb blather. On second thought she has a point.

Now, my heart has been broken here and there, although never in a way that would justify the use of guns. On the other hand, I usually have one handy as -- just as the Material Girl says -- a symbol of intolerance. It symbolizes my intolerance for some subhuman critter who wants to relieve me of my possessions or my life.

'course she stops a stroke shy of fulfillment. If it doesn't work to symbolize, a person can always actualize.

Oct 18, 2012

England reacts!

I often tease Brits, so it's only fair to thank one of them for as good a line as I've seen about the recent debate-like teevee show. Able of England says:

As a 'damn furiner' I had the impression that dear Cindys new job was as a replacement for the O's teleprompter (since last time its absence was all too obvious in effect).

Well said, Sir. And an extra nod for intimating that your politicians are as moronic as ours, or nearly so.

H/T Roberta, comments section.

Oct 17, 2012

Ick. Never shake hands with a Brit

Over across the pond live the dirty-handed, and this isn't the claim of a Jingo Yank. Their own Royal Radio Station says so.

In a recent UK-wide study, 99% of people interviewed at motorway service stations toilets claimed they had washed their hands after going to the toilet. Electronic recording devices revealed only 32% of men and 64% of women actually did.

Huh? The Sceptred Isle rulers find time and money and motivation to digitally track their subjects' personal sanitary habits? What's next? An electronic usage recorder on English condoms? (A tickling concept, eh wot?)

Oh well. I suppose it's easier than tracking down the thugs who manipulate the LIBOR.

Still, all in all, the next time The Queen extends her hand to me in a reception line, I think I'll just curtsy.


H/T Tam


Puts me in mind of the last time I visited my healer, two or three years back. Some kind of test was taken and the results said the guy's OK and has just  "normal bodily flora" in his juices.  I think that is quite an elegant way to report that I'm no germier than average.

The harem masters square off

Everybody loved the debate. The electric teevee jabberwockies loved it more than most because it had drama and conflict. Well, I agree. I  haven't seen anything so exciting since I watched a couple of older parties get riled over a call in patty-cake badminton.

It was a cage fight between eunuchs.

If Eunuch A had cleared his throat and declaimed to Eunuch B , "Sir, you are a lying, pandering sack of yak droppings with an intellect substantially inferior to that of Yogi Bear,"  I might have become more interested.  Either could have said  it without straying far from strict truth.


The debate was accurately summarized by Dr. Ron Paul some 12 hours before it occurred.  He was on CNBC and asked if he expected more substance in Debate 2  than he found in Debate 1. He said "no." Both Romney and Obama would simply promise fatter pick-a-nick baskets in the great Jellystone Park once known as the United States. Good call, Doctor.

Painfully to me, His Ineptness slithered slightly closer to the point at hand when he said something about long-term planning -- where the nation would be in 30 years or so. Unfortunately he uttered it only in a context of green energy -- solar and wind and ethanol mandates, all of those schemes touted by Mother Earth News  types 50 years ago. They would flood America with free pixie dust fuel by 1999 . Our troubles would end in a national group hug as Peter, Paul, and Mary grunted 69 choruses of Kumbayah.

So no real points for His Ineptness, just a nod to his mild suggestion that we might  want to give a thought to the fate of the nation in the decades after his personal interest in it ends, on January 20, 2013 or the same date in 2017. I mean, Hell, he knows he can fulfill his zillion-dollar book contract in Switzerland or Kenya or someplace.

Fairness requires me to say something equally nice about Governor Romney.  His hair stayed in place.


It's the debt, Stupid. And the deficits. And Ben's printing press.