My small blog and I cherish reader comments, and for that reason -- along with all sorts of high-toned moral considerations related to free and unfettered exchange of ideas et cetera --I am embarrassed. Also pissed at an oriental person or imitator thereof.
The McGee Reader default is, "Comment Moderation: Never." A few days ago someone found a way to slip in a long spam in Chinese. I had it translated , then opened the dash to dump it. Naturally, I forgot to turn comment moderation back to "off." A kind reader alerted me and I +almost+ fixed it. The same reader re-alerted, and I have just fixed the fix.
Two points:
1. The word "luddite" appears in the blog address for a very good reason.
2. Maybe I should have left the spam alone. It pointed Chinese-reading persons to about 20 porn sites. Some of them weren't bad, and it arrived about the time to nicely complement Tam's Roxxxie report. :)