Jul 9, 2010

Bloggery question for geeks

My links to other bloggers' individual posts don't show on those posts, and I can't find out why in the Blogger instructions,explanations etc. Anyone able to help me?

Harry Reid and his buddies of the NRA

I wonder how much Joel is holding back here:

Translation: Yes we know Harry Reid is a corrupt, scum-sucking bastard who belongs under the capitol building instead of ruling it.

But we're going to endorse him anyway, because:... (RTWT or you'll be missing the most  entertaining treatment to date  of the Reid saga.)

Joel says he generally avoids politics because of such slimy decisions.  I'm of another opinion, though I do concede that trying to be an effective political fighter for good things is a lot like trying to be an honest cop in Chicago. 

Jul 8, 2010

Proving the case for shall-issue laws:

In a county near me the sheriff just loved a citizen named Paul Dorr  as long as Paul was spending his idle time protesting abortion clinics. In those days, Sheriff Douglas Weber gave Mr. Dorr his CCW every year. No problem.

But then  Mr. Dorr joined a group questioning  county spending and suddenly Weber decided  Mr. Door  had lost all of those qualities of intelligence, judgment, discretion, etc. that made him such a good CCW risk in the past,

Enter  U.S. District Court Judge Mark Bennett. He smelled a rat and ordered it --no, wait --  ordered the Osceola County sheriff to issue the permit.

But the tastiest morsel in the judge's order tells the sherf he must take a college level class on the U.S. Constitution.

This suggests some personnel actions. Sherf Weber should be reassigned as a school crossing guard. Judge Bennett would look handsome in the robs of a Supreme Court justice,  way better than wazzername.

The AP gave Weber a chance to tell his side of the tale, but he decided to keep still. I think I would too.

EDIT AND UPDATE:  This case has wider implications than we thought. A more complete report makes it clear the federal judge raked Sheriff Weber for depriving Mr. Dorr of his Second Amendment rights because he objected to Dorr exercising his First Amendment rights. And for being considered "weird" by some members sof the community.  Maybe this one will become famous as the Great Iowa Right to be Weird Decision. 

Gee, the recovery was fun, eh?

This is for those of you just now returning to Earth on a flight out of Uranus or somewhere. The jobs recovery occurred because hundreds of thousands of persons were hired by the feds to make a nuisance of themselves on your doorstep. What color are ya'? Where else do y'all sleep? You owe money on your house?

Most of them are laid off by now, and the jobs numbers are back to the dismality we've come to expect.