Feb 3, 2009

Tasering the Language

Daschle took a dive. Zzzzzz. Old news by now.

But the assault on English continues. Through at least three separate leads (updates),  AP has described his wimpout as "stunning." 

The word is strictly the reporter's, a piece of his "objective" narrative.  He does not quote anyone who is a qualified expert in the analysis of what is or is not stunning.

I didn't find it "stunning" that the former senator caved in. Neither did anyone I've talked with.  About as strong as a rational mind can go is to call it a little surprising this early in the game, especially given the Senate's stunning acceptance of tax-evader Teddy G.

Aside: Does Obama's "absolute" backing of Daschle (until he stunned) remind anyone else of McGovern's "1,000 per cent" loyalty to Tom Eagleton?

EDIT: Finally, in a fourth (or more) lead,  an authoritative source. AP reports: "I was a little stunned. I thought he was going to get confirmed," said Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont...." 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To hell with that, how many times did they play "Spot The Party" in the stories?