Apr 30, 2009

A Moment of Moderation

She shuffled around in in the road, eyeballing both my cabins, copying the  number of my single mail  box, and generally looking too interested in the  acre that is Camp J. Finally she came to the door to ask my address. Public information, so I told her. Then she asked the address of the other cabin. "The same, why do you ask?"

"I'm with the government. I'm mapping for the census." She showed me a badge-like gizmo.

I nodded, gave it some thought, and permitted her to leave uninjured., badge, data, authoritarian demeanor and all.


Anonymous said...

At lease she didn't say she was there to help you. JAGSC

Tam said...

When she said "I'm with the government..." you were supposed to tug your forelock. We don't have to start genuflecting until next year.

JohnW said...

Having neither a forelock nor a midlock nor any form of lock until well past the tonsure I think I'll just keep my hands out in front and limit myself to Sicilian hand gestures...

JohnW said...

Rverdog said this w/o a link:

"I must have missed it

...when the Feddle Gummint announced that it was going to send it's Census Bureau minions to my door to take GPS readings on my Welcome Mat.

Not that I object to this. It might save my life at some point, because EMS and Fire can be dispatched then by GPS coordinates, and not by street addresses. This REALLY becomes important out in Route and Box number country. This is cheaper than paying Google to dope out the data for them, one house at a time."

It might have been nice if they had advertised that this data was going to be compiled, though. NOT advertising it just adds to the negative impression of the Feds, IMHO.