Mar 4, 2010

Witches in the corn fields, shoo fly shoo...

And some you guys claim my state isn't interesting. I mean, like, have +you+ had to deal with Wiccans in the schools lately?

I'm pretty much on the kid's side. If he wants to build a Wiccan altar in shop class, what the Hell? Why not? His shop teacher telling the newspapers that he personally figures it's bad to worship rocks and trees isn't a really compelling argument. Mr. Shoppie should do his five-day suspension, then go back to yelling at kids to sand the shelf some more.


Have you ever pondered what wonderful things would ensue if we resolved as a nation to outlaw high-school shop classes and substitute a privately owned and operated apprentice program? Fewer mothers of teenagers would get slightly lopsided jewelry boxes for Christmas, but that's about the only major drawback I can think of.

1 comment:

Captain Halitosis said...

When I was in shop class I welded a handmade bayonet lug on a shotgun, made throwing stars out of horseshoe nails and turned a very nice set of numchucks on the lathe. We aslo spent a great deal of time spraying paint thinner in the finishing room with the exhaust fans turned off. I think Mr. Hoover would've been cool with the pagan altar thing.