Sep 13, 2010

Just grumpy, I guess

Maybe it's just the backache, but I am a hostile man this morning, and the thing that's cocking my hammer is the concept of zoning laws. Why the Hell should should a  blob of politicians and their hired hands assume full authority over  everything a home owner wants to do around the place?

Answer: Because the local political blob listens to unfulfilled little old people with nothing  better to do than vote and bitch about  the way other people live.

I propose a better way.  End all zoning codes now. Create one single replacement sanctioning  Prolonged Gross and Insufferable Prickishness in Violation of Contemporary Community Standards.  The penalty for petty  complaints  would be high enough to discourage Aunt Tilly from calling the mayor in a fit of pique about the neighbors' yard-mowing habits.

The new law might also stifle these expensive and endless squabbles about whether your new storage shed will be six inches too close to the property line. What sentient life-form really gives a sweet rat's ass?

(No, nothing personal going on here, though if I decide to publicly explain the back ache I may have a bit to say about a strange disease wherein the mention of docks sends politicians into paroxysms  of applied  idiocy.)

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