Sep 28, 2010

Rendering unto Caesar

Off to town for a visit to our new Tax Majal, sometimes known as the county court house. The occasion is an approaching  deadline for forking over a four-figure sum for the privilege of continuing to live on my modest little spread.  I could pay on line, but I prefer to walk up to the  counter and write the check. It gives me a chance to glare at one or two of the Regulators, and that seems to do something for my glands.  You just know that some of these hacks wish for a law requiring us to tug our  forelocks as we submit to the  extortion.

The property tax bite this year is up 13 per cent, and that's under local governments  whose commissars are something like 80 per cent Republican.


NotClauswitz said...

At the Commissar level, the badge of allegiance, R or D, is merely an entry ticket to the Country Club.

Anonymous said...

They're all alike. In these parts, it's against state law to raise the appraisal on anyone's homestead more than ten percent per year. However, our local appraisal district tends to do it on a regular basis. If you protest, which I encourage everyone to do, your appraisal will be lowered to comply with the law. But, if you don't protest, you are stuck with the higher appraisal, which also gives them a leg up on next year. Of course, the appraisal board is made up of public minded citizens. JAGSC