Feb 24, 2011

A beloved nephew in the cattle forage hauling business has just displayed a picture of some animals waiting around to become hamburger.  This prompted a gunny thought.

Thanks to the Bernanke-Bush-Clinton-Obama high-speed presses, and to the ethanol/agribusiness welfare class, those poor beasts are full of seven-dollar corn and selling for around a buck-ten a pound, still ambulatory and including hooves and horns.  Who ever would have thought we'd see the day when you could swap a muddy steer for a mint Python and get change back?


Captain Halitosis said...

The word on the street is that your nephew hauls grain. He probably wouldn't feel the need to clarify that if weren't for the fact that bull haulers are three rungs lower on the evolutionary ladder.

Yep, grain, wet distiller's grain from the (gasp) ethanol plant. The politics of ethanol make no sense but it keeps me...er, him from living in the big city. :-)

Jim said...

Fixed it. And of course I forgive you --errr, him -- for participating in the socialist conspiracy.:)