Feb 28, 2011

Soylent Green, Variation on the Theme

You're sick and tired of being in government databases, so you die, just to avoid the aggravation and  to make your point in quite a sincere manner.

Sorry, Bunky. That doesn't work any more. Long after your ashes have been scattered to the howling statist winds, you continue to serve Big Brother via his new and enhanced death certificate.

"After a family member dies in the state of Iowa, survivors may hear some unexpected questions when they go to the funeral home to make arrangements: Did he smoke? Where was she employed? How much education did he have?

"Those questions and others are part of the information included on new death certificates ... (to) determine which health programs are needed."

Which is to say,  your eternal contribution to the government Domesday Book will be cited to justify forbidding your grandchildren and their children's children  the privilege of a bacon slice.

This leaves me little choice but to draft my own death certificate and have it officially recorded, and I'll pay any pre-mortem bribe necessary to make it happen.

"Decedent  was an advanced-degreed white male omnivore, disadvantaged by a strong interest  in minding his own business, complicated by pathological urge to track machinations of snooping government assholes, This led to the proximate cause of death, PDBE. (Plain Damn Bureaucratic Exasperation.)"

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