Mar 19, 2011

Or, as a favorite high-desert denizen says:

Place your bets - Which of today's heroic freedom fighters will become the vicious tyrants the U.S. will be fighting in Libya ten years from now?

Obama is the latest American leader to tell us we can have neat little desert wars.

He has, or shortly will, order fighter/bomber attacks and act surprised and outraged when the despicable Godhalfi shoots back. Then we can have another surge.

I look at my pictures of two splendid youngsters just coming into manhood. For how many Libyans would I see them sacrificed?  Friends, there aren't that many, counting  all that are, ever were, or ever will be.


Anonymous said...

We continually prove the maxim--those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Much to our sorrow. JAGSC

Jim said...

As a matter of generalized morality, Khaddafi [robably needs killing, and it seems to me no one should know that better than Libyans.

Solution: Libyans, get a case of Model 70 Winchesters in .338 WM. Find the time and discipline to learn the marksman's art. Shoot him yourselves.

If I get the ambition I'll dig into "Day of the Jackal" again and work up a little piece based on Forsyth's explanation why assassination of even the most evil tyrant is such a horrifying concept to rulers of every stripe.