Apr 6, 2011

The looming government shutdown

I used "looming" because AP did.  Pretty scary word. Anything  that will loom over you will crap on you, eh?

But not too much. The National Journall adds color to to the notion that "OMG! A Shutdown!"  is mostly hot halitosis designed to scare Hell out of you.

It also offers a tidy affirmation of what we've been saying around here forever:

"Executive agencies must submit lists of essential employees and "plans for an orderly shutdown in the event of the absence of appropriations" to OMB. But the contingency plans are difficult to come by, possibly because of the political implications of classifying government employees as 'nonessential.' "

That should be about all the illustration anyone needs that government as we know it makes sense only as a gigantic jobs program.

I'm not necessarily for a Washington shutdown, but a Washington shut up would be welcome.

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