Apr 7, 2011

STEEEEE-RIKE ONE on Tim Pawlenty

You don't screw around with Hawkeyes. We like our sleep and we have guns.

Iowa proudly claims the honor of hosting the first presidential wannabe staff scandal of the year, thanks to Pawlenty aide Ben Foster who, the reports say,  drank into the wee hours and forgot where he lived. He then wound up 10 miles from home where, at 3 a.m., he banged on the door of a house that must have looked about right. The homeowner held him at gunpoint. The cops were called. They charged Ben with a couple of misdemeanors either before or after he barfed on the deck.

Odd.  Ben hails from Alabama, and I thought those good ol' boys taught their kids to hold their liquor.

(Tim is already on the running TMR list of Iowa caucus hopefuls. You may remember him  from there as the small-government conservative, except for guys who own big-time sports teams and are therefore entitled to free stadiums.)

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