May 16, 2011

Why we're broke

Nwamkpa was a good runner in college, got a lot of press. Then he became a teacheroid. Finally he figured out how to earn $1,056 by taking kids to a two-hour movie.

Then the heartless auditors nailed him for Medicaid fraud to the tune of about $140,000 and, in a plea bargain, he got off with probation and a little community service.

But the mean old judge also ordered Nwamkpa to pay restitution of $15,000, about 11 cents on every tax dollar he swiped. Meaning that his movie outing with the troubled youth earned him a mere $940. Hell, for that kind of money I might even go see a Will Smith movie myself.

The told the reporter he was a victim of selective presecution, didn't do anything wrong, and was pleased to learn that he wasn't banned from offering further services to Medicaid eligible youth.

Isn't that a nice public option?

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