Aug 17, 2011

Here is a picture of a bicycle

Ertha Kitt


Joel said...

What bicycle?

Jinglebob said...

Daaaannnngggg, that is a nice bike! :P

WF word is= firkin, I firkin kid you not!

Jim said...

I'm glad that at least a few tasteful folks share my appreciation for some of the ladies of a couple generations back. More allure in any full-clad one of them than in a dozen stripped Pamela Anderson clones.

(Do we need to clue our younger friends that the lady on the bike is Eartha Kitt, whose vocals deserve more attention that they get?)

Jim said...

Well, yeah. But not everyone grew up in a home where great music was daily fare.

(Okay, so the three-chord renditions of "Wabash Cannonball" weren't so hot.)