Jan 29, 2012

Two Magic Guns

And one was extra magic. Not only did a brand new 9mm pistol fall from a "case" and go off by itself, but it did so without having been loaded. The empty, self-discharging weapon propelled a projectile though the apartment floor and into the fellow who lives one floor down.

The other gun, also brand new, magically disappeared in the few hours after leaving the gun store and before cops came to arrest the 19-year-old son for reckless use a a firearm and shooting in the city limits.

His mother (of the year) said she bought the two guns for about $1000.  She draws $300 weekly unemployment pay. The cops said her little boy had "several thousand dollars" in his pocket when  he was arrested. My crack instincts suggest another mystery here.

(Edited to delete factual error.)

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