Jun 12, 2015

What gun for face-eating monkeys?

This fellow Jeff has a point. We slip well away from the rule of law when a  bureaucrat can administratively void a state statute, in this case Missouri's open carry law. Whether his attention-seeking demonstration is useful way of making our  point is open to debate.

He plans to carry a gun, probably a sidearm, openly into the no-guns-allowed St. Louis zoo, just to see what happens other than his new 15 minutes.

Regardless of your conclusion about Jeff's tactical stunt, I think you might agree that the leading local cop is guilty of a notable non-sequitur.

St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson disagrees and said, “More guns are never the answer. I think we need to have stronger gun laws and make sure that they are used in appropriate ways.”

Sam, no one with the brains of  a three-toed sloth gives a damn about your elevated insights on citizen control. You are a hired hand, paid to enforce  laws written above your pay grade. If you hate the idea of everyone except you and your employees being stripped bare of self-defense means, write your legislator.

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