May 26, 2011

Racist Tea Party B*st*rds

Or maybe not. Herman Cain of Georgia is a black man, and last night he swamped all comers at a western Iowa county GOP fund raiser.

Herm took 55 per cent of the Pottawatomie County straw vote, helped by being there with a give-em-Hell keynote speech. Sarah Palin wasn't, and  she took 38 per cent.

It's not at all meaningful, a strawlet in a big wind. Still, it's pleasant to see that front-limper Mitt Romney and our old old old old pal Newt scored zero per cent with zero votes. It is less fun to report Ron Paul at 1 per cent.

Pottawatomie County is far west, just across the Missouri from the cosmopolitan sin center known as Omaha. Lots of Tea Party types and "values" voters in those parts.


Side notes:

--The Washington Post this morning is carrying one of those information-free reports saying Sarah might run.  She has a shadow organization in place here.

--Big-money GOPers from Iowa are going to New Jersey to beg Christie to run.

May 25, 2011

Hell, I've hugged a few trees myself.

Some of my pals aren't going to like this. Off-the-grid. Sustainability. Life without  Starbucks. Etc.

Some of it I probably won't like either. But in essence these three guys -- actually two plus a girl -- represent a healthy portion of me -- or of the me I occasionally wish I was.

Go read The Independent Spirit.  Our old friend Joel is part of it.

May 24, 2011

Thugs getting a little more timid, maybe?

The AP manages to get through it's ~600-word story about the continuing crime-rate decline without a mention of guns. It quotes the experts as being especially surprised   that crime rates continued to fall during the  2009-2010 economic disaster.  It is a statist article of faith that crime rises when the economy tanks.

The unmentioned factor is widespread relief from overbearing gun laws in the same period and the concomitant increase in the number of citizens capable of resisting criminals.

There are exceptions to the more peaceable atmosphere, New York City, for instance, where homicides rose 13 per cent. No one here needs to be reminded that law-abiding New Yorkers are subject to the Sullivan law which restricts effective gun use to criminals.


Correlation is not causation, of course, but a reader could  think it worth mentioning that goblins contemplating mayhem could have second thoughts if they knew their victims might whip out  a persuasive deterrent in, preferably, caliber .38  or larger.

On the ground, Citizen, and don't give me any crap about the law.

Jeff  Soyer at has the word on repeal of Section 1 of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in the city of Philadelphia. The process was quite efficient. It did not require the untidy business of lawyers, courts, legislatures, or even rational thought. All it took was a few senior cops deciding to make it difficult to impossible for a  citizen to carry arms openly. Never mind that open carry is legal  those parts.

Philadelphia cops pointed a gun at the citizen's chest, ordered him to his knees, and held him for 45 minutes before reluctantly letting him go on the trivial grounds that he had committed no crime. But in part because they found a small recorder when they searched him, they decided to cite him for disorderly conduct and reckless endangerment, and he's scheduled to go to trial on that charge this summer. None dare call it harassment.

The root of this incident was a set of cops who hadn't the faintest notion about what the law actually said. It isn't  the first time police have decided to enforce what they think the law should be.