May 28, 2011

"...he would never really ever be a deer..."

Can you see a deer get hurt and gracefully turn the sad happening into a cogent little essay on the decline of the United States of America?

I don't think i could, but Jinglebob can. So far as I'm concerned it's the Post of the Day.
I see the Egyptians have "permanently" opened the gate to Gaza. This should facilitate delivery of AK47 ammunition and RPGs to Hamas.

A symmetrical quid pro quo would be Hamas assistance to the Muslin Brotherhood in blowing up Coptics.


It's getting too cynical around here. We all need to replay President Obama's breathless oratory about pro-democracy freedom fighters.

May 27, 2011

The proper functions of government

The wise-ass who wrote this intended to make fun of state lawmakers. So, I ask, what is wrong with declaring the 1911 by John M. Browning (PBUH) an official state pistol? Or the  dutch oven an official state cook pot?

Me? I am absolutely delighted when elected officials act only within their competence level.

For example, not even the no-carry Wisconsin legislature could damage its polity much by declaring the cream puff the official state dessert.

May 26, 2011

Spend more, you slackards

A glum AP story this morning reports the American economy sluggish again because we private drones aren't pissing away our money fast enough. (The invisible ink warns us to get our hienies and Mastercards to Walmart quickly.)

But government shares the blame.

The GDP revision showed that the government sector is dragging on growth. Government spending fell at an annual rate of 5.1 percent. Federal and state and local governments have cut spending to battle budget deficits.

I have a little trouble wetting my pants about that. The money (assuming for the sake of argument only that it actually existed in the first place) didn't disappear. After all the micro-calculations,  it remains under control of the people who earned it in the first place, giving them a tad more freedom to make that Walmart trip to buy what they think they need. The earners, of course, have to give up tthe privilege of having it spent by Obama and Co. on what the politicians think they need.

In fact, the 5.2 per cent would have been borrowed from the Chinese and others who  think Barry, Ben, and Tim can keep their juggling act going.