Jan 4, 2009

But It's Ugly

Twenty-mumble years of use have taken their toll of what little beauty that Smith 59 had in the first place, and I catch myself wondering if it's a good candidate for a bake-on.  

I used the Brownell  brand last summer to titivate  a 1911 built years ago  on an Essex frame, GI top and internals. It looks pretty good, not really like Parkerizing, but close. 

A sorta-Parkerized 59? Why not? I can't imagine the gene pool ever polluted enough to create beings who consider these things collectible. 



Anonymous said...

If you tire of playing with the 59, I have a WWII-era Italian 6.35 semi that would be a challange. The outside is not too bad, but the inside--Mama Mia! The machine, or hand, work, as the case may be, makes one of those late war P38' look like a presentation piece. It fires, but...JAGSCOM

Jim said...

Sorry, Pardner. I'd like to help but my certification to repair Eyetalian pot metal has expired. 'sides, that stuff clogs up my mill bastards worse than Smith and Wesson aluminum.