Jan 3, 2009

Gaza Redux

Our Leaders want us to get all het up about Gaza -- less than eight miles wide, about 25 miles long, 139 square miles, about twice the size of Washington, D.C. So a less genteel  observer than I  might crudely refer to it as a pissant little place.

But "Oh, the humanity!" 

It's true that some 1.5 million Gazoids live there, many (most?) of them slavishly following religio-statist nitwits dedicated to making general international  pests of themselves in a gory manner. Whether that sort of herd needs thinning is an open question, depending largely on one's personal  approach to humanitarianism.

(However, no one need necessarily  conclude that, even if it's a good idea to depopulate  pissant little places full of nitwits, Washington should be on the list.)


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